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Gifts from the world; Giving Games Day 2!


It felt good to contribute to peace building. My training will bring laughter and peace to children from conflicted and under-served communities through play. I hope today's Play for Peace participants (kids) will be tomorrow's leaders. I love my work!

Partnering with Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest for Giving Games 2015 is an experiment and learning opportunity for the Play for Peace Community. Daily we receive Secret Agent Missions from the Compassion Games crew and have a series of our own Play for Peace Activities in the Ways to Play Manual we created. Join us in the games or follow our stories here. We will be sharing with you daily the acts of generosity and compassion!

The Giving Oath: Day 1 (United States)

Submitted by: Screamin' Guarrinen Called and talked to my mom for more than an hour. It was fun showing her what snow does to the neighborhood. She was excited to see the snow cover the patches of grass, the houses, the cars. It made her day! It is true: when you make someone happy, it all goes back to you!
Compassion Impact
Volunteers/Players 1
Hours Served 1.75
People Served 1
Money Raised $0

The Giving Oath: Day 1 (United States)

Submitted by: Screamin' Guarrinen As part of my commitment to take care of myself in order to take care of others, I walked for around 45 minutes, despite the snow. It feels good to get up and walk. It gives me a boost of needed "happy hormones" without the side effects. Now I'm ready to do more acts of compassion and kindness!
Compassion Impact
Volunteers/Players 1
Hours Served 0.75
People Served 1
Money Raised $

The Giving Oath: Day 1 (United States)

Submitted by: Screamin' Guarrinen Giving gratitude to our post lady who braves the elements to give us our letters, mail and other post items. When I first moved here, I looked forward to when our mailman would come. First, because he is probably the 2nd person I would see in the day. Second, because some of the mail bring joy: thank you cards, birth announcements, etc. I kept planning to give him something to show how I appreciate the work he does. But he retired before I did. We have a new post lady now, and I won't wait until after she retires to say "Thank You!"
Compassion Impact
Volunteers/Players 1
Hours Served 0.5
People Served 1
Money Raised $

Practice Peace Session (India)

Submitted by: Urooj Model, Urooj Talent, Ghousia memorial, Madina Mission, STARS We conducted Practice Peace Session with 250 coordinators from Reliance Foundation in Madhya Pradesh. The foundation will bring cooperative games to 500 marginalized communities and villages in across India. It felt good to contribute to peace building. My training will bring laughter and peace to children from conflicted and under-served communities through play. I hope today's PFP participants (kids) will be tomorrow's leaders. I love my work!
Compassion Impact
Volunteers/Players 5
Hours Served 8
People Served 280
Money Raised $0

Compassion Games Mission #2 Give Your Gift (Australia)

Submitted by: Maggie Harris - PFP Today I offered my counselling services (for free, of course) to a person I know who is struggling with the demands of taking care of her three young children and running a household. I am a qualified counselor, however I do not charge a fee. In my spare time, I offer my services to those in need of a little help. Sometimes, the people who seem to have it all together are the ones who are struggling the most. It brings me great fulfilment to help someone who is struggling and it's so wonderful to see someone walk away from the session with the load on their shoulders a little lighter.
Compassion Impact
Volunteers/Players 1
Hours Served 3
People Served 1
Money Raised $0

Taking the Oath and building a Peace Tree! (Canada)

Submitted by: Play for Peace Staff - Amanda I took the Oath on Tuesday and later built a Peace Tree with my nieces, Aliyah and Addison. I have been working long hours at home on final projects for school and the tree we built helps me take a moment and smile every time I pass by! My nieces are just 4 years old but it started conversations about things that make them happy and doing nice things for others!
Compassion Impact
Volunteers/Players 5
Hours Served 2
People Served 7
Money Raised $

Inviting Others to the Giving Games (Guatemala)

Submitted by: Play for Peace Staff - Sarah Gough

My daughter and I talked about the Secret Agent Mission #2 - sharing our talents. Sam decided she was good at making videos and talking about peace. I said I was good at bringing together community. We combined our efforts, brought in a best friend Leah and created an Invitation Video! It was fun to focus on the gifts we have to offer the world.
Compassion Impact
Volunteers/Players 3
Hours Served 4
People Served
Money Raised $0

Day-1 (Giving games)

Submitted by: Play For Peace Staff - Imroz Shah Water plants in the morning, Helped two friends to report their act of kindness on compassion website, shared giving games on my facebook page and with friends, introduced PFP to two new people, helped other staff with information, check in with a sick friend, showed sympathy to my sister. I felt happy when I water the plant and helped others. What I learned is, if we give a thought before reacting to a situation, it will allow us to act with kindness.
Compassion Impact
Volunteers/Players 1
Hours Served 4
People Served 6
Money Raised $

Would you like to ensure that youth are participating in Compassionate Acts around the world? Consider supporting the Play for Peace #CompassionInAction Campaign running all month long.