The COVID-19 pandemic has affected countless communities of people in countries across the world, and Afghanistan’s Herat Province is no different. In a place where many live hand to mouth, lockdowns have left people without any source of income, people are going hungry and cannot afford basic necessities or places to live, and the government is overwhelmed and hasn’t been able to provide any support.
According to Shafi K., a mentor for the Omid Club in Afghanistan, “My community lives on the brink, physically, economically, emotionally, socially, politically. Think about how they would survive without any food.” While the lockdowns in Afghanistan have ended, the situation for Shafi’s community is far from stable. Cases are still going up, people are enduring poverty and hunger from the lack of jobs and income, and on top of it all, the country is still feeling the tragic effects of war and political unrest.
The Play for Peace Omid Club is doing its best to support local families and other vulnerable groups to cope with the economic impact of COVID-19. Club members are not only helping people to find food and basic necessities, they are also working with local faith leaders to raise awareness and provide education sessions about how to stop the spread of COVID-19. The Omid Club is also working with community-based charity organizations to identify and select the most vulnerable families and calling on the local government to support those in need.
In the face of a global pandemic that is devastating so many communities in Afghanistan, the Omid Club needs more support. In order to continue helping these families in need, please consider donating via Shafi’s fundraising page, so that the Omid Club can continue making a tremendous impact in this needy area.